Here I am going to show you that the actions which we perform normally with UI, those also can be done programmatically, the same thing I am going to show in this post, this post is mainly targeted for beginners those who are new to Sharepoint object model, a quick watch on programs to create sub sites, lists, showing web apps etc. Continue reading…
MOSS – Object Model
Sharepoint hit counter web part
On 11th November, 2009 I have published the HitCounter webpart solution on to Codeplex
I have made the Hit Counter webpart very compact with minimum lines of code which generates user hits, before adding the webpart to the master page you need to create a Custom List name it as Statistics then create three columns in Statistics list as below: Continue reading…
Copy Sharepoint list items from one site to another programmatically
In my earlier post, I have show you how to Copy items from one list to another, using Sharepoint designer workflow now we learn how to copy list items from one Sharepoint site to another site programmatically
Before executing the code I have created two Sharepoint sites, first is http://fivenumber:5/ and the second Continue reading…
Export SPGridView to Excel spreadsheet in Sharepoint 2007
In my last post I have show you how to retrieve current user profile in Sharepoint 2007, before that I have also posted on how to display custom list items in SPGridView
Today I am going to work on how to export SPGridView items into Excel spreadsheet in Sharepoint 2007 Continue reading…
Retrieve current user profile in Sharepoint 2007
My last post was about Contact / Feedback webpart for Sharepoint 2007
In this post I am going to show you how to retrieve current user profile and show the properties like Title, First name, Last Name etc.
using Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager() Continue reading…
Contact / Feedback webpart for Sharepoint 2007
On 12th November, 2009 I have published the Contact / Feedback webpart solution on to Codeplex
You can download the Contact / Feedback webpart from
Comments on this solution are very much appreciated 🙂
Thanks for looking into this
Displaying Sharepoint Custom List items in SPGridView
Here is a simple SPGridView example, which displays rows from a Sharepoint Custom List.
Lightbox enabled custom webpart, displays images from sharepoint picture library
Here is the simple Lightbox enabled custom webpart which displays the images from sharepoint picture library.
Instructions to use: Continue reading…
Custom Webpart – Displays the latest image from picture library
Here is the simple custom webpart which displays the latest image from picture library.
Programatically delete list or library in sharepoint 2007
Here is the simple code for deleting list or library in sharepoint 2007
Download the code